How many people in HCT QC team?

   date:2020-10-27     browse:0    comments:0    
Summary:HCT has 2 QC teams: one is for the test on materials and the other on finished products. ISO9000 defines quality control as "A part of quality management focused...
HCT has 2 QC teams: one is for the test on materials and the other on finished products. ISO9000 defines quality control as "A part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements." Quality control is an ongoing process that touches everything from purchasing to manufacturing to distribution. Only when the product quality is consistent, will you give your repeat business. We have been working hard, paying attention to details and system for monitoring and assessing whether the products meet the standard set.

We maintain stringent norms of quality and use cutting edge technologies to manufacture in a wide range of specifications according to intended applications. series are shown on this page. HCT products are now distributing worldwide including USA, Germany, UK and other countries. , We Are Offer You High Quality , , With Advanced Technology And First-Class Service. HCT products are now distributing worldwide including USA, Germany, UK and other countries. . HCT Medical has formed stable sales market and ripe sales channel for ,.

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