Maintainance of Fadior Stainless Steel Kitchen Part 2

   date:2020-10-27     browse:1    comments:0    
Summary:Maintainance of Stainless Steel Kitchen Cabinet

Maintainance of Stainless Steel Kitchen Cabinet

1.Clean the stainless steel kitchen cabinet with 100% cotton duster cloth usually, don’t touch the cabinet directly with acidic or alkaline material. 

2.When clean the cabinet, don’t scratch the surface, don’t use steel wool or hard cloth or acidic material clean the cabinet. 

3.Don’t use toilet cleaner to clean the stainless steel skirting. 

4.If the surface of stainless steel cabinet is dirty, can use soap or steel detergent to clean it, after that use stainless steel skin care treasure to wipe. 

5.Clean the oil and salt on the kitchen surface and cabinet immediately after cooking 

6. .Maintain with “stainless steel skin care treasure” regularly

Kitchen cabinet

Article Source: Maintainance of Fadior Stainless Steel Kitchen Part 2
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