Maintainance of Fadior Stainless Steel Kitchen Part 5 & Maintainance of stainless steel kitchen ware

   date:2020-10-27     browse:2    comments:0    
Summary:Before using stainless steel kitchen ware, can put a thin layer of vegetable oil, and dry it on the fire.

1.Before using stainless steel kitchen ware, can put a thin layer of vegetable oil, and dry it on the fire. That like wearing a membrane clothes on the surface, which make the kitchen ware easy to clean and use longer.

2.After using stainless steel kitchen ware, clean it with warm water at once. In case oil, soy sauce, vinegar, tomato juice produce chemical reaction with the surface of stainless steel ware, cause the surface dark even cave.

3.After cleaning the surface of stainless steel, wipe dry the water, because when use it especially use it on the coal stove, when the coal burn there is SO2 and Vitriol which made by SO2 and H2O, which can affect the using life of stainless steel kitchen ware.

4.The is a membrane like fog on the surface of stainless steel kitchen ware after long time using, can be removed with soft cloth and cleanser essence. If it’s black by the smoke, also can clean it like this.

5.Don’t put the stainless steel kitchen ware in water for long time, otherwise the surface will dark and matt, no glossy. 

6.If the surface of stainless steel kitchen ware is dirty, can put stainless steel wax on the surface and wipe it.

Article Source: Maintainance of Fadior Stainless Steel Kitchen Part 5 & Maintainance of stainless steel kitchen ware
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