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Shandong Alove WPC New Materials Co., Ltd.

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Our company is a leading manufacturer and exporter of recyclable wood plastic composite (WPC) materials, which invented the idea of high-performance wood-alternative precisely for furniture board, building board, outdoor decking, railing, fencing, trim & gate.Our factories are located in China. We provide high quality wood plastic composite products at competitive price, and your special requirements of specifications for WPC plank or DIY WPC floor decking product with volumes is available.To save our earth, the recycled WPC products are manufactured with 45% of reclaimed plastic and 50% of waste wood fibers, which makes the recycled WPC products fully recyclable after use. The WPC products are maintenance-free, longevity, environmentally friendly and have unmatched natural beauty to create a superior alternative to wood.The recycled wood plastic composite materials are true value-added products for residential and commercial installations, which will never rot, crack nor splinter. Also, the WPC products are extremely weather resistant and never need painting or staining for protection.
Company File
Name: Shandong Alove WPC New Materials Co., Ltd. Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
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Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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