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'Health is wealth!'We understand it. It is the reason why Bonville Organic International has gotten into this business.Bonville Organic International is based around that very proverb. We are a decade old company and specialize in organic tea. To reach out to a wider audience, we decided to have a web presence, the result being www.bonvilleorganic.com.Drinking tea as the first thing in the morning is something which more than a billion people do. Our goal is to make this ordinary tea drinking experience into something extraordinary.Studies and researches by various top institutions in the world, the world famous Harvard University, for instance, has conducted a research and investigated scientifically on the medicinal properties of tea and found the immense benefits of drinking tea.India is the home of Ayurveda - one of the oldest forms of traditional medicines. In addition to that, quality tea is in abundance. This led us into thinking about the ways we can make this tea experience... [Detailed Introduction]