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Shangrao Olde Green Co., Ltd.

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Shangrao Olde Environmental Co.,Ltdis a leading manufacturer and supplier of valves, thermostatic valves, radiator valve, brass fitting and plumbing accessories. We specialize in valves used in heating and hot water systems. Our valves are automatic constant temperature controlled, and do not require exterior energy to maintain indoor temperature. Our products are designed to save you energy, while protecting the environment. We ensure the very highest product standards for our customers by using strict quality control procedures to monitor every step of the manufacturing process from raw materials to finished products. Our valves are manufactured and tested according to EN215 quality standards.Our sincere commitment to quality products and technological development has helped propel BAIYILUN into the forefront of thermostatic valve manufacture and supply. Coupled with our philosophy that honesty and loyalty are keys to complete customer satisfaction, when you purchase a valve from Olde, you are purchasing the product of a deep commitment to quality.
Company File
Name: Shangrao Olde Green Co., Ltd. Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
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Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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