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Shenzhen Solar Run Energy Co., Ltd.

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Solar Run provides reliable, affordable and environmental solar solutions for off-grid areas. We commit ourselves to improve the life of people who lack of electricity.Solar Run enables people to replace deleterious and expensive kerosene lanterns and candles with modern solar energy that can power lights, cellphones, TVs, fans and other small electronic devices.To make off-grid people's life easier and more comfortable.Solar Run also provides pay as you go (PAYG) turnkey solution, which enables people to pay by small installments using their mobile phones. By this way, clean energy becomes more affordable, which is what our company has been aiming for.Solar Run hopes to bring more happiness to people in power-intensive areas with our high-quality products in the future.
Company File
Name: Shenzhen Solar Run Energy Co., Ltd. Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
Data Certification:
Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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